Building “stay” concept

Stage 2

  1. Lay a towel on ground (creating flat boundary)
  2. Place dog on towel
  3. Say cue (“stay”) and offer hand signal
  4. With leash in hand – Take 1 step back 1 step forward, click and reward.
  5. Say cue (“stay”) and offer hand signal
  6. With leash in hand – take 2 steps back and 2 steps forward, click and reward.
  7. Say cue (“stay”) and offer hand signal
  8. With leash in hand – take 2 steps back hold position for 15-30 seconds and then 2 steps forward, click and reward.
  9. Say cue (“stay”) and offer hand signal
  10. Drop leash and take 3 steps backwards and hold for duration.
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10, gradually increasing distance and duration.

Watch for signs of impulse in order to correct him as soon as he pops off the towel.

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