Crate training


  1. Place a few kibble in the crate near the back.
  2. Lead dog to crate opening; with food (lure) or with lead. Do not force the dog to enter crate.
  3. Sit on floor a few feet back from the crate with bowl of food on floor and cover the bowl with hands.
  4. Wait for dog to eat the food in the crate – while this is happening use the clicker.
  5. When finished click once, praise (“good boy/girl!”) and present your hand with food in it.
  6. Then wait for the dog to re-enter the crate. Click! praise (“good boy/girl!”) and present your hand with food in it.
  7. Repeat step #6 5-10 times.
  8. Once step #7 completed you may add  on a finger point to the crate. (No verbal) and continue this 5-10 times.
  9. Once step #8 is completed you may add a verbal (“crate”, “go to your ____” are some popular choices.) followed by the finger point added on step #8.

Things to remember

a. Stalemate Rule: Only allow a 3 minute stalemate before adding a one piece of kibble thrown into the crate.

b. Chain of definition rule: when verbal is added you must say the word first and near immediately add the hand signal. Not at the same time.

c. Clarity is key: when we speak less they learn more, keep it simple, clear and consistent.

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